Simon Field and Skills Policy have undertaken a series of studies on the UK and its skills system.
These include:
Most recently, The Missing Middle and Beyond the Missing Middle. These are studies of higher technical education (level 4 and 5) looking at how and why this level of education is relatively weak in England.
Taking Training Seriously looks at apprenticeship in England, particularly recent reforms, and compares England with other countries.
Work on these reports was generously supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
Simon Field has also co-authored three recent OECD reports on England and Scotland. One looked at the significant challenges of weak literacy and numeracy in England, including weaknesses in university students and graduates. This was published as Building Skills for All. The second report looked at Apprenticeship in England. The third and most recent report looked at Apprenticeship in Scotland.
Thanks to Wikimedia commons for all the images of paintings used on this site.
From the top: Paul Klee, Night Feast; Gustav Klimt, Beech Grove.
Website designed and developed by Lydia Field.